Nelson, D. (1997). High-risk adolescent males, self-efficacy, and choral performance: An investigation. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Nelson, D. (1997). High-risk adolescent males, self-efficacy, and choral performance: An investigation. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Author Affiliations: Arizona State University
Artforms: Choirs, music, singing
Program: Doctoral dissertation
Program Description: Juvenile choir
Program (Study) Location: Adolescent residential treatment facility, Arizona
Study Published: 1997
Participant Type: Adjudicated males aged 11-17
Sample Size: 40 (21 in intervention group, 19 in control group)
Data Type: Qualitative: Bandura’s Social Learning Theory of Self-Efficacy, research was augmented by the use of the Sherer and Maddux’s Self-Efficacy Scale
Evaluation Focus: Music as an affective intervention for high-risk adolescent males

Summary of Impact: The author stated that the choral program was found to be an affective intervention for this population. Participants reported that performing in the choir was a special experience, that moments in the choir were “wonderful, difficult to verbalize and . . . deeply personal” (p. iv). They also reported that the relationships developed in choir were different than those with other residents of the facility.

KEYWORDS: affect, choirs, juvenile, music, singing, youth

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